Thursday, May 27

As American as Apple Pie

It's almost Memorial Day, the official start of summer. Friends and family will soon be in route to the Cape for this kick-start weekend... beach, Figawi, drinks on the deck, cookouts are all in the works. Maybe a wedding crashing or two.  Should be good times.

In honor of this patriotic holiday, a little piece of Americana in the form of apple pie. (Or cherry, strawberry, lemon meringue, really, whatever kind of pie. Pie is good.)

{ Martha loves pie. }

You can serve pie at a wedding. It's very cute, and very handi-crafty, but in a good way.

{ See, Martha really loves pie. }

Pie doesn't need to be 'haute'. It's just pie. Simple, plain, American pie.
{ Project Pie... err... Project Wedding }

Serve them up individually.
Please note: I have a particular love of cute little flags sticking out of food.

These Centerville Pie Company pies are made right here on Cape Cod. Oprah loves 'em.  You will, too.

Happy Almost Weekend!

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